Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sanding, sanding, sanding

1. Now that the finish is on it is time to sand, sand, and sand. Mike (and I) sits down in front of a large plastic container filled with water and with a towel draped over his legs and uke in hand he hand-sands with a little square of neoprene and with 1000 grit wet/dry sandpaper. This is dipped in water and works in a circular motion. He is looking to remove the orange peel that the sprayed finish has left behind. He proceeds to take little sections at a time and after sanding a little while will dry that portion of the uke and take a look to see if the orange peel is gone. Be very careful to not sand the uke edges off. Be sure to stay away from the edges at first.

2. After sanding with the 1000 grit you can go over the whole uke with 1200 grit and after that, 1500 to finish.

3. With the 1500 grit go over the whole ukulele with light back and forth strokes.
Remember to keep pad flat! You do not want to have to re-spray the uke again!

4. After all orange peel is gone; Mike buffs the uke with a medium compound and then hits it with a fine one after.

Now it is ready to glue the bridge on and string her up!

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